Set security ipsec vpn IPSEC-DYN-VPN ike ipsec-policy IPSEC-DYN-POLICY Set security ipsec vpn IPSEC-DYN-VPN ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY Set security ipsec policy IPSEC-DYN-POLICY proposals IPSEC-DYN-PROPOSAL Set security ipsec policy IPSEC-DYN-POLICY perfect-forward-secrecy keys group5 Set security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY xauth access-profile DYN-REMOTE-VPN Set security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY external-interface fe-0/0/0 Set security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY dynamic ike-user-type shared-ike-id Set security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY dynamic connections-limit 4 Set security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY dynamic hostname Set security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY ike-policy IKE-DYN-POLICY Set security ike policy IKE-DYN-POLICY pre-shared-key ascii-text # SECRET-DATA Set security ike policy IKE-DYN-POLICY proposals IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL Root# set security ike policy IKE-DYN-POLICY mode aggressive Root# show security ipsec vpn IPSEC-DYN-VPN Root# show security ipsec policy IPSEC-DYN-POLICY Root# show security ike gateway IKE-DYN-GATEWAY Root# show security ike policy IKE-DYN-POLICY Also, I am using DDNS, so yours may be configure differently here if you have a static IP, but if you are using DDNS at your home then it should be the same. The proposals you have created earlier will be linked to the policies.

Once you have prepared the ike and ipsec proposals, then you would need to configure the tunnel. Set security ipsec proposal IPSEC-DYN-PROPOSAL lifetime-seconds 3600 Set security ipsec proposal IPSEC-DYN-PROPOSAL encryption-algorithm aes-128-cbc Set security ipsec proposal IPSEC-DYN-PROPOSAL authentication-algorithm hmac-sha1-96 Set security ipsec proposal IPSEC-DYN-PROPOSAL protocol esp Set security ike proposal IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL lifetime-seconds 1200 Set security ike proposal IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc Set security ike proposal IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL authentication-algorithm sha1 Set security ike proposal IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL dh-group group2 Root# set security ike proposal IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL authentication-method pre-shared-keys Root# show security ipsec proposal IPSEC-DYN-PROPOSAL Root# show security ike proposal IKE-DYN-PROPOSAL We need to configure the IKE and IPSEC proposals for the dynamic VPN for IKE and IPSEC tunnel configuration. Set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/0.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services ike Set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/0.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services https Root# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/0.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services dhcp Root# show security zones security-zone untrust I do not have a static IP address that is why I have dhcp added, but for what we are trying to accomplish here, what we need are just the ike and https. Set system services web-management https interface fe-0/0/0.0Įnsure that the untrust interface, in this case is fe-0/0/0.0, is accepting https and ike. Root# set system services web-management https system-generated-certificate Root# show system services web-management We would the https service enabled on the Internet facing interface since it is the receiving interface for the dynamic VPN. If you use JWEB via https to configure your SRX then you can skip the Example 2. The interface fe-0/0/0.0 (untrust) is my interface to connected to the Internet. The dynamic VPN requires https service for it to work.
Juniper vpn client code#
Unfortunately, if you are using a newer code (firmware) on the SRX the Windows’ desktop client is not available any longer, and if you try to navigate to you will get the banner as shown in Figure 2

I have never tested this, so I can’t really comment on the Linux desktop client. For Linux desktop client, you can probably use this from Institute for Advanced Study.
Juniper vpn client download#
Now, before we jump into the configuration, you would need to download Junos Pulse (discontinued) or the Pulse Secure desktop client. Since it is a home network, two licenses should be sufficient for now. If I need more users then I would need to purchase a license. Example 1 root# run show system licenseĪs you can see, it comes with two licenses for dynamic-vpn, and it is permanent therefore, I can have two users that can VPN to my network.
Juniper vpn client license#
The line that is highlighted is the license that comes with SRX100. I have an SRX100 firewall, and it comes with 2 dynamic VPN license as shown in Example 1. Juniper SRX firewalls comes with a dynamic VPN permanent license, but it is very limited.