The program has built-in shapes, icons and other ready types of objects that you can use to supplement your sketches. The latest release of it was released just around 6 months ago, and its initial development looks like it was started back in 2012. It comes with a very functional and clean GUI to design the UI sketches you may need, and works on all major platforms (Windows, macOS and Linux). Pencil is the most feature-rich and well-known open source prototyping tool that you may hear of. In our article today, we’ll introduce the 5 open source prototyping tools than you can depend on to do your UI/UX work. You don’t have to worry about uploading your work on someone else’s servers or be in fear of losing it. Vendor Lock-in: Since everything is open source, all your data and files are yours.
Collaboration: Have a missing feature in mind for that open source software? You can either request it from the developers or create it yourself, if you know how to code.Cost: Using a proprietary UI/UX prototyping tool could be too costly on the long run, especially if it was one of Adobe’s products where you have to get a monthly subscription or otherwise lose your access.In the case of UX and UI designers, open source alternatives are extremely important because: Each day, new developers are starting to introduce more niche apps for the open source app catalog. Many years ago we didn’t have specialized apps for engineering, banking, accounting, designing or other type of use cases, but now we do. The open source ecosystem is continuously improving. We will talk today about open source prototyping tools.