Strike force heroes
Strike force heroes

strike force heroes

Sort of an Informed Flaw as he never shows such behavior in the story. Glory Hound: Nathan the Engineer, which led to a dishonorable discharge from the military.His successors, Sniper and Ninja, are similarly frail but capable of high burst damage.

strike force heroes

He also can use melee weapons that replace his sniper, which make him brittle at long range. Powerful at long range due to his sniper rifles, however very brittle up close. Glass Cannon: The Assassin in the first game.However a new class called the Knight is a male, which have since unbalanced the ratio. Gender-Equal Ensemble: The third game has eight classes, four men (Engineer, Juggernaut, Mercenary and Sniper) and four women (Gunslinger, Medic, Elite, Ninja).The Cerberus line of "assault rifles" in the second game are basically smaller versions (having 3 barrels instead of 10), and have an ammo belt instead of a clip.Miniguns are available in both games, having two 100 round magazines and the highest rate of fire in the game.Friendly Sniper: The Assassin from the first game.Flunky Boss: The Globex Leader calls upon additional clones of himself to support him in the final story mission of the second game.The Faceless: The Tank and Juggernaut are never seen without their heavy armor and helmet, but averted for one of the Juggernaut's skins third game.Elemental weapons fire a beam or continuous spray of chemicals at the target while Experimental weapons are futuristic versions of other weapon types. Energy Weapons: The Elemental and Experimental weapons, both capable of inflicting one type of status effect on their target.Doom Troops: GlobeX troops, especially their Juggernaut.The Dog Was The Master Mind: The Scientist might be the reason why GlobeX is still around despite being defeated time and time again.In the third game, the General has been further split into the Gunslinger and Ninja, both capable of using dual weapons, but the former inherits his support abilities while the latter inherits his high burst damage from shotguns. Decomposite Character: The Medic from the first game had been divided to the Engineer (overall balanced stats), and the General (team-oriented benefits).Crusading Widow: Mayday, who first appears in Extraction and is a unique recruitable Medic the third game, joined the Heroes to avenge her husband Jenkins who died in the first game.Critical Hit Class: The Assassin in the first game, General with the Sniper following behind in the second game, Gunslinger followed by Ninja then Sniper in the third.Instead, he can pick traits from other classes instead of upgrades, giving him better passive abilities. Crippling Overspecialization: The Knight in the third game can only equip melee weapons, leaving him vulnerable at range.They can also randomly appear as multiplayer bots. Creator Cameo: The final challenge missions of each game involve battling the creators Justin and Mike, who have custom appearances and classes that are Purposefully Overpowered.There's even some uncommon and rare ones too. Cool Guns: All the games have a very large variety of weapons at your disposal, ranging from those that exist in real life to entirely fictional ones.

strike force heroes

The Ninja in the third game is also a mix of the Assassin's stealth abilities and the General's weapon selection with high crit chance. And he has team oriented benefits that's been handed over from the Medic class. His stats are derived from the original Game's Assassin, taking the high critical chance and close range weapons, while the Sniper takes the stealth, long range rifles, and accuracy.

#Strike force heroes series#

The Globex Leader is also revealed to be part of a series of clones, one of which offers to help the Heroes against the Scientist in the ending of the third game.

  • Cloning Blues: Globex is revealed to be a massive clone army, and in the third game, they've captured the second game's Heroes and are using them as clone templates.
  • Cigar Chomper: The Mercenary has one at all times.
  • Canada, Eh?: Nathan, the Engineer from the second game is Canadian.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The Scientist's that's been helping you out throughout the first two games? He's the one who probably orchestrated all of this.

  • Strike force heroes